Opening Balance
$100 to open an account
$100 to open an account
$100 to open an account
$100 to open an account
$100 to open an account
Minimum Balance
No minimum balance Direct Deposit required
$500 minimum balance
No minimum balance
$1,000 minimum balance
$2,500 minimum balance
Monthly Fees
Call your personal banker for additional information.
Call your personal banker for additional information.
Call your personal banker for additional information.
Call your personal banker for additional information.
Call your personal banker for additional information.
Non-interest bearing account.
Non-interest bearing account.
Non-interest bearing account.
Interest earned on balances of $1,000 or greater1
Tiered rate to maximize your earnings. Interest earned on balance of $2500 or greater1
Images of checks not included with monthly statement.
Images of checks included with monthly statement.
Images of checks included with monthly statement.
Images of checks included with monthly statement.
Images of checks included with monthly statement.